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Mediator nieuws (366)

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A seasoned mediator, O'Malley brought together warring parties in Iraq at the height of the sectarian conflict in 2007 and 2008, resulting in an agreement that formed the basis for political reconciliation in Iraq and helped curb the violence. He did ...

Datum: | Bron: Newsweek

LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - When Padraig O'Malley says we must talk to Islamic State, he's speaking from experience. A seasoned mediator, O'Malley brought together warring parties in Iraq at the height of the sectarian conflict in 2007 and ...

Datum: | Bron: Yahoo News

Het is al weer een tijdje geleden dat we een laptop van XNotebooks in handen hebben gehad. Nu is het eindelijk weer zover en kijken we naar de Mediator HW15 voorzien van een GTX 970M. Dat laatste staat natuurlijk garant voor prima prestaties.

Datum: | Bron: Hardware.Info

The kidnappers of Lebanon's 25 captive soldiers and policemen have appointed a new mediator to conduct negotiations with the government, Al-Jadeed television reported Sunday. The channel, citing unnamed sources, said the Nusra Front and ISIS ...

Datum: | Bron: Al-Bawaba

Het is al weer een tijdje geleden dat we een laptop van XNotebooks in handen hebben gehad. Nu is het eindelijk weer zover en kijken we naar de Mediator ...

Datum: | Bron: Hardware.Info

C'est une nouvelle importante pour toutes les personnes qui estiment avoir été victimes du Mediator. Le gouvernement a décidé de proposer un réexamen de certaines demandes d'indemnisation par le collège d'experts de l'Office national d'indemnisation ...

Datum: | Bron: Pourquoi Docteur ?

DEN HAAG - De Haagse wijkvereniging De Kruin heeft een nieuw onderkomen. Na langdurige bemiddeling door een zogeheten mediator is de vereniging akkoord gegaan met huisvesting in een voormalig schoolgebouw in de Anemoonstraat. Het betekent ...

Datum: | Bron: Omroep West

... ze een stapel papier uit haar Chaneltas tevoorschijn haalt. "Mijn psychologe zei dat ik dit moest voorlezen. Aan hem," zegt ze terwijl haar rijkelijk beringde handen trillen. "Hij moet weten wat hij me allemaal heeft aangedaan." Daar zit je dan ...

Datum: | Bron: MKB Servicedesk

Evans Bancorp and the state Attorney General's Office have agreed on a mediator for their court case over alleged mortgage redlining in the Buffalo Niagara region and have set a date for their first mediation session. The two sides agreed on attorney ...

Datum: | Bron: Buffalo News

Cet amendement ouvre la possibilité d'un réexamen de certaines demandes d'indemnisation au titre du Médiator par le collège d'experts de l'Office national d'indemnisation des accidents médicaux (Oniam), ont précisé vendredi les services de la ministre ...

Datum: | Bron: Le Parisien

Mohamed Abdillahi Omar, Somaliland former trade minister and a former minister for foreign affairs, has just been hired as a Senior Conflict Mediator for Africa for the African Union (AU). He will act as mediator in disputes in the Democratic Republic ...

Datum: | Bron: Africa Intelligence (subscription)

The mediator pattern is a common software design pattern that allows two classes to communicate without knowing about each other. What happens is that the two classes communicate via a mediator class and are only aware of the mediator. It's use ...

Datum: | Bron: Visual Studio Magazine

Erster Stadtrat Gerd Linderkamp erläuterte in einer Pressekonferenz die Ziele dieses Verfahrens: „Ein externer Mediator soll Sinn und Ablauf des B-Plan-Verfahrens erläutern und auch darlegen, dass ein Aufstellungsbeschluss noch nicht bedeutet, dass ...

Datum: | Bron: WESER-KURIER online

Ik dacht niet dat hij het zo ver zou schoppen.' Volgens Ahmed was al-Baghdadi populair onder de Amerikaanse cipiers: 'ze zagen hem als een mediator die conflicten tussen andere gevangenen oploste en de rust bewaarde in het gevangenenkamp.' ...

Datum: | Bron: Elsevier

Facebook says it is developing artificial intelligence that will not just monitor – but will also understand – every single action you make on the social network, so that it can guide and control your online behavior. READ MORE: Facebook v 1st ...

Datum: | Bron: RT

The issue presented is whether in the face of a specific finding that the court-appointed mediator breached his duty to disclose the conflict, did the Federal Circuit err in utilizing the special harmless error standard from Liljeberg for a mediator in ...

Datum: | Bron: Patently-O

Bijna 40 procent van de Nederlanders heeft ruzie met zijn familie. Dat percentage is gestegen ten opzichte van vorig jaar. Notarissen trekken aan de bel. „We verleren het om elkaar te vergeven”, reageert de christelijke mediator. Broers die elkaar zuur ...

Datum: | Bron: Reformatorisch Dagblad

INDIANAPOLIS - The state of Indiana and IBM Corp. have agreed to mediation in their ongoing clash over millions in state tax dollars. The two sides have chosen Indianapolis attorney John Van Winkle as a mediator, and a mediation session will be held Feb.

Datum: | Bron: Fort Wayne Journal Gazette

SWLCWSD and Pataskala have enlisted a mediator to help settle a dispute. The dispute concerns different interpretations of a 2004 agreement. SWLCWSD contends the city should agree to a water interconnect. Pataskala officials contend they do not have to ...

Datum: | Bron: The Newark Advocate

A mediator is a facilitator who has the skill to work around or overcome obstacles to settlement created by parties or their counsel. In particular, when negotiations have gotten the parties close to a settlement, the skilled mediator is able to keep ...

Datum: | Bron: Law.com

I've been reading about people asking for life coaches, so I wanted to share something I thought you might be interested in. My friend Tessa is a mediator and advisor, and she is in Dubai for a few weeks. I'll share something that she wrote on her own ...

Datum: | Bron: Expat Forum

In ongoing litigation involving the Federal Trade Commission and Wyndham Worldwide Corp., a federal mediator has been named in the cyber breach lawsuit. The case, which experts have said exemplifies the FTC's aggressive approach in dealing with data ...

Datum: | Bron: Business Insurance

Catherine Ashton will continue mediating talks between Iran and world powers on Tehran's disputed nuclear program. Federica Mogherini, who took over for Ashton as EU foreign policy chief on November 1, has appointed Ashton as her special adviser for ...

Datum: | Bron: RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty

CINCINNATI — A federal mediator will take up the case brought by the southern Kentucky woman seeking to have her late husband's World War II commendations upgraded to a Medal of Honor. Lyda P. Conner of Albany, Kentucky, near the Tennessee line, ...

Datum: | Bron: ArmyTimes.com

Mediators are likely to be highly directive, if not explicitly evaluative, in pushing the parties to an agreement. Party autonomy has receded, while the power of attorneys and the mediator to influence the result has expanded. One result of this ...

Datum: | Bron: Law.com
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