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Mediator nieuws (362)

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De Tweede Kamer staat op het punt om het tot nu toe ongereguleerde beroep van mediator een wettelijke status te geven. De Kamer buigt zich dinsdagavond over initiatiefwetgeving van het VVD-kamerlid Ard van der Steur, die beoogt overheidstoezicht op ...

Datum: | Bron: Financieele Dagblad (Registratie)

I'm in the process of finishing up an article inspired by a horrific local mediator who, as a result of his “mediation” actions, now resides in the state penitentiary. I'll be posting more about the article and the mediator's actions after the piece is ...

Datum: | Bron: Mediate.com

Officials from Evans Bancorp and the AG's office are scheduled to meet Jan. 21 with Buffalo arbitrator and mediator Douglas Coppola for a mandatory mediation session. The two sides will discuss the redlining allegations made in the federal lawsuit ...

Datum: | Bron: Buffalo Business First

The union said it wants the mediator to help determine which set of numbers should be used in the negotiations. SAPFA said the issue is with the number of firefighters and police officers that will be needed, which the union and city do not agree on ...

Datum: | Bron: KSAT San Antonio

"We are ready, willing and able to meet with the federal mediator and the businesses to try and settle this contract," said Daniel Kane Jr., President of Teamsters Local 202. "Our needs haven't changed. Our members need a $5 a day raise and merchants ...

Datum: | Bron: PR Newswire (press release)

NEW YORK – Workers at the nation's largest wholesale produce market have agreed to hold off on a strike while a federal mediator gets involved with contract talks. Members of Teamsters Local 202 agreed Thursday to put off any action at New York's Hunts ...

Datum: | Bron: Fox Business

China on Wednesday announced that it has been mediating between the Afghan government and the Taliban as the United States withdraws troops to end its 13-year war there, the longest in US history. "As a friendly neighbor of Afghanistan, China values ...

Datum: | Bron: Chinadaily USA

(CS) The OGBL and LCGB labour unions have called on the national conciliation office to act as a mediator in the discussions for a new collective work agreement with freight airline Cargolux. In December last year, Cargolux announced that it would ...

Datum: | Bron: Luxemburger Wort - English Edition

MOSCOW, January 15 (Sputnik) – Serbia, which holds the 2015 Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) chairmanship, is ready to act in that capacity as a mediator in a Ukrainian crisis settlement, Serbian Foreign Minister said Thursday.

Datum: | Bron: Sputnik International

Both sides asked a federal judge on Monday to postpone ruling on any motions in the case so they can meet with a mediator on Feb. 9, saying that they have been trying to resolve the dispute without going to trial. If no agreement is reached, the ...

Datum: | Bron: WRAL.com

The Legislative Research Commission wants a mediator to be appointed in a sexual harassment case brought by two female staff members. The commission's attorney filed a motion Monday in Franklin County Circuit Court saying an impartial mediator would ...

Datum: | Bron: WKU Public Radio

The Legislative Research Commission asked Franklin Circuit Court on Monday to appoint a mediator in the sexual harassment case brought against the LRC by two female staff members. "The services of an impartial mediator would be beneficial in bringing ...

Datum: | Bron: The Courier-Journal (blog)

L'année 2015 sera-t-elle l'année où va enfin se clore l'indemnisation de toutes les personnes qui ont pris du Mediator et qui en ont subi des effets secondaires souvent terribles ? On peut l'espérer, même si une décision du Conseil constitutionnel, ...

Datum: | Bron: Libération

Honeywell took over the MD reigns at Camden-based Mediator in July 2013 and since then has set about raising the profile of partnership marketing as a legitimate marketing channel for brands. The agency works with clients such as Arla Foods, Alton ...

Datum: | Bron: The Drum

Despite the involvement of a federal mediator in contract negotiations over the past week, West Coast dockworkers are continuing their policy of work slowdowns and the withholding of skilled labor, bringing West Coast ports to the brink of “complete ...

Datum: | Bron: JOC.com

Look for a divorce mediator who offers a flat fee for all the services they provide, as well as a free divorce consultation that includes a complete marital estate assessment. That way, you and your spouse know up front what is involved. Also, make ...

Datum: | Bron: Huffington Post

A federal mediator will try and help resolve the on-going labor issue between the International Longshore and Warehouse Union and the Pacific Maritime Association. The union and ports have been in contract negotiations for eight months and have not ...

Datum: | Bron: National Hog Farmer

Wanneer dat niet zonder meer mogelijk is kan een professionele mediator worden ingeschakeld die partijen helpt om over de ontstane kwestie te communiceren en hen zodoende zelf op zoek te laten gaan naar een oplossing. De mediator beschikt daartoe ...

Datum: | Bron: Dichtbij.nl

The United States Supreme Court has reportedly been asked to review a federal court's order refusing to set aside a jury's verdict where a court-appointed mediator failed to disclose his close personal relationship with a partner at the law firm ...

Datum: | Bron: Mediate.com

The agreement on both sides of a labour dispute between workers at West Coast ports and port operators to use a federal mediator has brought hope that the issue can be resolved. The dispute, which began last summer, has delayed loading and unloading ...

Datum: | Bron: FreshPlaza

Chelsea midfielder Cesc Fabregas does not believe Lionel Messi is unhappy at Barcelona and rubbished claims he is trying to convince his former teammate to join him at Stamford Bridge. A turbulent week at the Nou Camp has already seen sporting director ...

Datum: | Bron: International Business Times UK

A mediator is a facilitator who has the skill to work around or overcome obstacles to settlement created by parties or their counsel. In particular, when negotiations have gotten the parties close to a settlement, the skilled mediator is able to keep ...

Datum: | Bron: JD Supra (press release)

The Fremont-Mills Multi-Purpose room will be the site a mediation hearing moderated by State Mediator Mike Thompson. The Farragut and Hamburg Boards disagree where 7th and 8th grade students should be educated next year as part of the Whole Grade ...

Datum: | Bron: KMAland

The Port of Oakland has applauded a decision to bring federal mediation to stalled West Coast waterfront labor talks. It called the action a key first step in breaking an eight-month negotiating impasse between employers of the Pacific Maritime ...

Datum: | Bron: American Journal of Transportation

After now more than six months after the contract expired between the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU), which represents dock workers at West Coast ports, and the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA), which negotiates for the port and ...

Datum: | Bron: Supply Chain Digest
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