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Mediator nieuws (349)

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Cyprus leaders to revive peace talks under UN mediator. 8 hours ago. From the section Europe. Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades (R), Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci (L) The UN envoy (centre) announced progress on Monday after talks at ...

Datum: | Bron: BBC News

According to our sources in Nouakchott, Cheikh Ould Baya, mayor of Zouerate, capital of Mauritania's iron ore sector, defused a two-month-long strike at Societe Nationale Industrielle et Miniere (SNIM) on April 2. Ould Baya, who is also chairman of the ...

Datum: | Bron: Africa Intelligence (subscription)

En Cruijff lijkt me niet de beste mediator in dit conflict. Hij is rechtlijnig (wat soms goed is), maar dat is hier niet de beste "course of action". Hij zal één van de partijen terecht moeten wijzen en dat zal uiteindelijk de relatie niet ten goede ...

Datum: | Bron: Soccernews.nl

Stewart, a mediator at BAY Mediation & Arbitration Services, came to Northview's team with essentially no experience or knowledge of how mock trials work. But he's now fully engrossed in the program and said he eagerly looks forward to each year's new ...

Datum: | Bron: Daily Report (registration)

New Delhi, May 10: Syria has asked India to play mediator in its diplomatic spat with the West over the civil war that has claimed over two lakh lives in the West Asian nation, days after the US indicated openness to such a proposal. The nudge from ...

Datum: | Bron: Calcutta Telegraph

FREEPORT — Mayor Jim Gitz was tight-lipped Friday about contract negotiations that affect 70 or so city employees after union representatives picketed before the City Council meeting this week. Gitz said city leaders have presented their best offer to ...

Datum: | Bron: Journal Standard

Tax Court Judge Vito Bianco asked the attorneys for both sides to decide whether it would be helpful to engage a mediator, University Vice President Robert Durkee said. "As a result of the judge's request, there have been emails back and forth ...

Datum: | Bron: NJ.com

... van het samen opstellen van een ouderschapsplan. Ouders die dan geen gezamenlijk plan opstellen kun je verplichten om met een mediator te praten, die hen dan probeert te overtuigen alsnog een ouderschapsplan op te stellen”, aldus de onderzoekster.

Datum: | Bron: Nationale Zorggids

A mediator could help resolve the long-simmering dispute between the City of Batavia and the Mall Merchant's Association, City Manager Jason Molino said this morning during an on-air interview on WBTA's Main and Center. The bickering and lawsuits and ...

Datum: | Bron: The Batavian

Batavia City Manager Jason Molino is calling for a mediator to be named in the on-going dispute between the city and the City Centre Mall Association. Appearing on WBTA's “Main and Center” program this morning, Molino said the lawsuit and counter-suits ...

Datum: | Bron: WBTA

L-R James Stewart, Attorney Coach. Amber Scales, Harsha Shridhar, Elizabeth Lake, Teacher Coach, Patrick Wu and Denise Abramow, Attorney Coach. Atlanta Mediator 'Goes Back to Law School' With Mock Trial Team. Jim Stewart is a longtime member of ...

Datum: | Bron: Daily Report (registration)

Selon « le Figaro », le procès Mediator, dont le procureur de la République de Paris prévoyait la tenue au premier trimestre 2015, aura lieu en fait en 2018. Le journal affirme que ce procès « aura lieu en 2018 dans le tout nouveau palais de justice de ...

Datum: | Bron: Le Quotidien du Médecin

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) -- Virginia legislators seeking a state investigation into Sweet Briar College's planned closure say support is growing in the General Assembly for their cause. They said Wednesday they now have more than 30 members of the Virginia ...

Datum: | Bron: The Charlottesville Newsplex

Cel care devine liderul forumului va fi expus cenzurii forumului, va fi poate incomod, pentru că va trebui să discute cu toate părţile, dar va fi un preşedinte de CJ mediator. Poate că astfel se va naşte un leadership mai abil, ceea ce este un aspect ...

Datum: | Bron: Mediafax

BERLIN (Reuters) - German rail operator Deutsche Bahn [DBN.UL] on Wednesday suggested appointing an independent mediator to help resolve a dispute with the GDL train drivers' union and stop a strike causing nationwide disruption. Deutsche Bahn ...

Datum: | Bron: swissinfo.ch

De Jonge spreekt eind deze maand met experts over 'verplichte mediation'. ,,Nu kunnen ouders er zelf voor kiezen met hulp van een mediator een ouderschapsplan te maken,'' aldus De Jonge. ,,Maar niet iedereen doet dat, ook vanwege de kosten.

Datum: | Bron: AD.nl

His provisos notwithstanding, we welcome Bruce Golding's public acknowledgement of the logic of the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ). But of potentially greater value to Jamaica's accession to the court's criminal and civil jurisdiction are Mr Golding ...

Datum: | Bron: Jamaica Gleaner (subscription)

VINELAND – The Vineland Education Association and the school board have reached an impasse in their contract negotiations. After four meetings, totaling 10 hours, the two parties filed a Notice of Impasse with the state Public Employment Relations ...

Datum: | Bron: Vineland Daily Journal

Based on my research and my experience, it seems to me that cultural influences can bear significantly on the topic of conflict resolution. I am not sure that mediators are typically sensitive to this point. Certainly, generalizations concerning the ...

Datum: | Bron: Mondaq News Alerts (registration)

Le procureur de la République de Paris avait promis un procès Mediator pour le premier trimestre 2015. Selon nos informations, il aura en fait lieu en 2018, soit sept ans après l'ouverture de l'instruction judiciaire et après l'élection présidentielle ...

Datum: | Bron: Le Figaro

Halifax Co., VA - Five months into the year and the Halifax County Board of Supervisors remain hopelessly deadlocked. One possible solution, hiring an outside mediator, is off the table for now. The board voted on a motion to hire that mediator at ...

Datum: | Bron: WSET

NEWARK — The president of Douglass College's alumnae association will recommend Monday that the group accept Rutgers University's offer to bring in a mediator to settle a dispute with the school. Jeanne Fox, president of the Associate Alumnae of ...

Datum: | Bron: NJ.com

W drugim etapie uczestniczyć ma już mediator wyznaczony przez dyrektora. - Weźmiemy udział w tych negocjacjach, bo nie zamykamy się na rozmowy. Ale nie możemy zgodzić się na podwyżkę, jaką proponuje nam dyrektor. Nie tylko ze względu na to, ...

Datum: | Bron: Nowiny24

Het Juridisch Loket verleent jaarlijks zo'n 900.000 gratis juridische adviezen. De website van het Loket trekt drie miljoen bezoekers. Het Loket verleent cliënten advies en kan – net als een huisarts – doorverwijzen; naar een sociaal advocaat of mediator.

Datum: | Bron: nrc.nl

PJCC chairman Rizal Faris Mohideen said the body would play a role as the mediator and facilitator between George Town and Kuala Lumpur. The PJCC, he said, regarded its move as the third wave, citing British rule as the first wave, followed by the ...

Datum: | Bron: The Star Online
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