Hieronder vindt u nieuwsberichten, gevonden op het internet met betrekking tot het woord mediator.
IHK-Zertifikatslehrgang in Abendform zur/m Mediator/-in im Unternehmen. Der Lehrgang entspricht den Anforderugnen des Entwurfs der Ausbildungsverordnung für zertifizierte Mediatoren. Nach den Sommerferien starten wir am 22.09.2015 mit dem ...
Datum: 06-08-2015 11:23 | Bron: saarlorlux.business-on.deThabo Mbeki, former President of South Africa and chief mediator of the African Union High-Level Implementation Panel (AUHIP) announced that he will hold a meeting with Sudanese armed movements in mid-August to consult on the National Dialogue ...
Datum: 06-08-2015 11:12 | Bron: Radio TamazujUtilisé par cinq millions de personnes en France, le Mediator est à l'origine de graves lésions des valves cardiaques et pourrait être responsable à long terme de 2.100 décès, selon une expertise judiciaire. Le médicament a été prescrit pendant 30 ans, ...
Datum: 05-08-2015 17:16 | Bron: Le FigaroJOHANNESBURG (miningweekly.com) – Amid coal miner Glencore's supply dispute with State-owned entity Eskom – the latter claiming that the coal supplied is below standard – Mineral Resources Minister Ngoako Ramatlhodi would act as mediator ...
Datum: 05-08-2015 17:14 | Bron: Creamer Media's Mining WeeklyUND once again is searching for a new ombuds, a gender-neutral term for a person who serves as an unbiased mediator for campus disputes. Advertisement. Advertisement. The position, created by a pilot program launched in July 2013, was held by Dusty ...
Datum: 05-08-2015 15:16 | Bron: Grand Forks HeraldThabo Mbeki, former President of South Africa and chief mediator of the African Union High-Level Implementation Panel (AUHIP) has urged Sudan and South Sudan to accelerate creation of a demilitarized buffer zone and determine a zero line between the ...
Datum: 05-08-2015 09:19 | Bron: Radio TamazujThose receiving tickets for minor traffic violations will no longer need to see a judge in order to get the violation taken off your record, or a deferred sentence. Instead, the court will appoint a "settlement master" who will be able to discuss ...
Datum: 05-08-2015 01:04 | Bron: KPAX-TVHenri Nallet lors d'une cérémonie au Conseil constitutionnel, en octobre 2013. Crédits photo : ERIC FEFERBERG/AFP. INFO LE FIGARO- Le grand chancelier diffère la nomination de l'ex-ministre mis en cause dans l'affaire du Mediator. Une procédure ...
Datum: 04-08-2015 16:44 | Bron: Le FigaroBurgemeester Van der Laan, u bent mediator van beroep, geef dit proces dynamiek en leid alle betrokkenen naar een gemeenschappelijke oplossing. Samen naar de toekomst en verzoend de doden herdenken, zou dat niet mooi zijn? Wilt u reageren op dit ...
Datum: 04-08-2015 14:43 | Bron: Parool.nlBurgemeester Van der Laan, u bent mediator van beroep, geef dit proces dynamiek en leid alle betrokkenen naar een gemeenschappelijke oplossing. Samen naar de toekomst en verzoend de doden herdenken, zou dat niet mooi zijn? Wilt u reageren op dit ...
Datum: 03-08-2015 19:02 | Bron: Parool.nlFriday in Georgetown (Guyana), Irwin LaRocque, Secretary General of CARICOM, received the credentials of the first Ambassador of the Holy See to CARICOM, Archbishop Nicola Girasoli, Apostolic Nuncio to the Vatican, who reiterated the Holy See's ...
Datum: 03-08-2015 17:46 | Bron: Haitilibre.comCEDR (the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution,) the independent mediation service, has formally announced a substantial new intake of 17 mediators. The CEDR Mediator Panel, acknowledged to contain many of the most experienced mediators ...
Datum: 03-08-2015 10:01 | Bron: SourceWire (press release)Apparently without the actor's actions, the film may not have seen the light of day! Anil Kapoor Plays Financial Mediator for 'Welcome Back' Producers! Anil Kapoor. Read more about Anil Kapoor. Apparently Anil Kapoor is playing mediator to settle the ...
Datum: 02-08-2015 09:00 | Bron: Masala.comJuly 31, 2015 (KHARTOUM) - The African Union chief mediator, Thabo Mbeki, is expected to arrive in the Sudanese capital next Sunday for consultations with the government officials over the resumption of peace talks and preparations for the national ...
Datum: 01-08-2015 05:28 | Bron: Sudan TribuneGift of the Givers mediator making good progress towards the release of hostage McGown. South Africa; Friday 31 July 2015 - 11:01pm. File: Stephan McGown has been held captive in northern Mali since being abducted in Timbuktu in November 2011.
Datum: 31-07-2015 23:11 | Bron: eNCAThey demonstrated that ROQUIN also influences the gene regulator NF-kappaB, a key mediator of cellular inflammation and stress responses (Nature Communications, Article number: 7367)*. RC3H1/ROQUIN has already been described in previous studies ...
Datum: 31-07-2015 15:42 | Bron: EurekAlert (press release)39/2015 privind aprobarea Statutului de mediator a fost publicat in Monitorul Oficial, Partea I, nr. 570 din 30 iulie 2015. Documentul fusese adoptat anterior in sedinta Consiliului de Mediere din data de 18 iulie 2015. Potrivit actului normativ ...
Datum: 31-07-2015 11:12 | Bron: Avocatnet.roThe foundation that manages LSU's Shreveport and Monroe hospitals under a privatization deal says it has sought to bring in an outside mediator to work out disputes with LSU, but the university has rejected the effort. LSU has charged that the ...
Datum: 31-07-2015 00:30 | Bron: The AdvocateIt is apparent to me that the current leadership of Illinois is out of ideas and willingness to end the current budget and policy impasse unless pressed into it by a crisis, which is no way to run the people's government (even though the U.S. Congress ...
Datum: 30-07-2015 23:56 | Bron: Chicago TribuneMediator ONZ w Syrii Staffan de Mistura wyraził dziś opinię, że jeszcze jest za wcześnie na kolejną pokojową konferencję w Genewie w sprawie Syrii, i zaprosił Syryjczyków na intensywne rozmowy na temat politycznej transformacji i walki z terroryzmem.
Datum: 29-07-2015 20:50 | Bron: Onet.plTwo days before Wednesday's hearing date, Luke Nikas, Napoli's attorney and a partner at Boies, Schiller & Flexner, wrote to Bransten asking to adjourn the hearing two weeks "in light of the parties decision to engage Mark Zauderer as mediator." Nikas ...
Datum: 29-07-2015 17:45 | Bron: New York Law Journal (registration)UNITED NATIONS The United Nations mediator in Syria's conflict on Wednesday proposed inviting warring parties to take part in four U.N.-led working groups on how to implement a roadmap to peace, since the groups were not ready to hold formal peace ...
Datum: 29-07-2015 17:30 | Bron: Reuters UKDe andere rollen (visionair, 'domme' vragensteller, mediator en aanvoerder) worden ook wenselijk geacht binnen de RvC. Daarbij scoort die voor de aanvoerdersrol relatief het laagst. Voor de commissaris zelf staat de rol van analyticus bovenaan gevolgd ...
Datum: 28-07-2015 16:01 | Bron: Accountant.nlLe 24 juin marque un tournant dans l'indemnisation-marathon des victimes du Mediator, ce médicament des laboratoires Servier accusé d'être responsable de la mort de 1 500 personnes. L'Office national d'indemnisation des accidents médicaux (Oniam) l'a ...
Datum: 28-07-2015 10:36 | Bron: Le MondeL'homme a écrit à l'avant-veille d'un séjour à l'hôpital. C'est la première fois qu'il s'adressait « à un député de notre Assemblée nationale ». Il ne voulait pas déranger, mais une question le taraudait : « Où en est-on dans le procès du Mediator ?
Datum: 28-07-2015 10:30 | Bron: Le Monde