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Mediator nieuws (336)

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He said the commission had been acting as the mediator between Bersih and the police. Police had given the assurance that they would not take action if the protesters did not break the law. Suhakam also had observers at various points in the city ...

Datum: | Bron: Free Malaysia Today

Brasilia. In Brasilien hat Vizepräsident Michel Temer von der zentristischen Partei PMDB Mitte der Woche seinen Rücktritt von der Schlüsselfunktion des Verhandlungsführers zwischen Regierung und Parlament bekanntgegeben. Temer, der zugleich ...

Datum: | Bron: amerika21.de

“We both agreed that a mediator would be helpful, and for somebody to propose a work stoppage, that would be sending two different messages,” he said by phone Friday. “Our intent is that school starts as usual. We'll be ready. We know our teachers will ...

Datum: | Bron: Longview Daily News

DAMASCUS, Aug. 28 (Xinhua) -- Another round of negotiations regarding settling the violent situation in a Syrian town near the Lebanese borders and two Shiite towns in the northwest ended Friday without making any headway, a mediator familiar with the ...

Datum: | Bron: Xinhua

Un "manifeste des 30" appelle à boycotter le laboratoire Servier, accusé d'adopter une attitude "contraire à l'éthique scientifique et pharmaceutique", alors que "l'état de nombreuses victimes [du Mediator] ne cesse de se dégrader". Lancé en milieu de ...

Datum: | Bron: Francetv info

De Streekmuziekschool en de gemeente Alphen aan den Rijn hadden een geschil over onder ander frictiekosten en personele kosten bij het beëindigen van de subsidierelatie met de Stichting Streekmuziekschool. Het college heeft besloten niet in hoger ...

Datum: | Bron: Alphens.nl

Plus de quarante mille médecins généralistes, trois mille endocrinologues, internistes et cardiologues ont prescrit du Médiator dans 80% des cas, hors autorisation de mise sur le marché, avec des disparités flagrantes selon les régions: de une pour ...

Datum: | Bron: Le Huffington Post

Why are mediators important? It's because the better the calibre of mediator one has—which is to say, somebody professionally trained, qualified and credentialed for the job—the higher the probability of not only a resolution but a resolution people ...

Datum: | Bron: Taranaki Daily News

Celle qui a révélé en 2009 la dangerosité du Mediator, un anti-diabétique détourné en coupe-faim, conduisant à son retrait du marché, continue son combat contre le laboratoire pharmaceutique. Et le moins que l'on puisse dire c'est qu'elle n'y va pas ...

Datum: | Bron: TopSanté

Trente médecins, philosophes et personnalités engagées ont signé une pétition pour rappeler au fabricant du Mediator®, le laboratoire Servier, son obligation d'indemniser toutes les victimes de ce médicament et demander aux professionnels de la santé ...

Datum: | Bron: Doctissimo

Jaarlijks vinden er ongeveer 33.000 scheidingen plaats en er zijn twee 'hoogtepunten' waarneembaar. Eentje na de feestdagen en de ander na de zomervakantie. Ieder jaar opnieuw zien advocaten en mediators rond deze periode hun mailbox volstromen.

Datum: | Bron: Singlessite

Earlier, Mohammed Abu Qassem, secretary general of Syria's Tadamun (Solidarity) Party and a mediator of the truce, confirmed the ceasefire was due to begin at 6:00 am local time. The new two-day truce follows a similar ceasefire earlier this month for ...

Datum: | Bron: Yahoo News

BJP Mumbai unit chief Ashish Shelar has played a crucial role of mediator between the state government and Dahi Handi organisers' association. When Shelar came to know about the ultimatum given by the Dahi Handi Samanvay Samiti on Monday ...

Datum: | Bron: Times of India

Ils sont trente, pour la plupart médecins, à apposer leur nom au bas d'une pétition mise en ligne mercredi soir pour dénoncer l'attitude ambivalente du fabricant du Mediator. Ce dernier promet d'indemniser toutes les victimes, mais se bat becs et ...

Datum: | Bron: Figaro Santé

Gurnee-based Woodland Elementary District 50 officials say a third-party mediator will assist in talks regarding a new teachers union contract. Board members agreed on the mediator with the Woodland Council branch of the Lake County Federation of ...

Datum: | Bron: Chicago Daily Herald

BENGALURU: The Lokayukta Special Court on Tuesday remanded N Narasimha Murthy, the suspended first division assistant at DG&IGP's office, to judicial custody till September 7. Murthy was arrested recently by the Special Investigation Team (SIT) in ...

Datum: | Bron: The New Indian Express

The Paris Declaration Force represented by the National Umma Party (NUP) and the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) presented a position paper on a comprehensive peace and democratic transformation to the African Union High-level Implementation ...

Datum: | Bron: Radio Tamazuj

Today, my guest is Bart Lee, a mediator and litigator, who some might call the “godfather of ham radio.” Bart was in 5th grade when his father brought home a book on how to build a ham radio using a pencil, a razor blade and some wire. Even with the ...

Datum: | Bron: JD Supra (press release)

Ankara. (aml/apa) Bei einem Anschlag im Südosten der Türkei sind am Montag zwei Soldaten getötet und drei verletzt worden. Die Militärs waren auf einen Sprengsatz am Straßenrand aufgefahren, hieß es aus Sicherheitskreisen. Der Vorfall ereignete sich in ...

Datum: | Bron: Wiener Zeitung

Ook dit jaar doet Berntsen Mulder Advocaten weer mee aan de landelijke Dag van de Scheiding. Deze keer op vrijdag 11 september. Bezoekers kunnen gratis en vrijblijvende adviesgesprekken voeren met onze familierechtspecialisten. De themadag is in ...

Datum: | Bron: Alphens.nl

I used to think it was just me, that I was the only mediator in the world who occasionally totally sucked at conflict in my own life. When I sucked at it, I'd beat myself up about it too. Just so I could suffer some more. (Buddhists call this the ...

Datum: | Bron: Mediate.com

Mediation is a formal process in which a mediator directs negotiations, including setting the time and place of meetings, subjects to be discussed and the general approach to talks. The flight attendants union in a news release took a shot at United ...

Datum: | Bron: Chicago Tribune

A vote by the Thompson School District Board of Education on Wednesday effectively sends the district and the Thompson Education Association (TEA) back to court. The board voted – for the third time – not to ratify a negotiated teacher's memorandum of ...

Datum: | Bron: Complete Colorado

They reveal the U.S. government acting as a mediator between Mexico's government and U.S. oil and gas companies seeking to cash in on a policy made possible by the behind-the-scenes efforts of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's U.S. State ...

Datum: | Bron: Center for Research on Globalization

ELST/ARNHEM - Een vonnis bleef maandag uit in de Arnhemse rechtszaal, tijdens een kort geding over een burenruzie in het Elster wooncomplex Brienenshof. Beide partijen, die ruzie hebben over een kraantje in een gemeenschappelijke tuin, hebben ...

Datum: | Bron: De Gelderlander
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