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NEW YORK, April 12 Argentina settled with an additional creditor holding defaulted sovereign bonds for approximately $255 million, Daniel Pollack, the court-appointed mediator in the long-running case, said in a statement on Tuesday. The agreement in ...

Datum: | Bron: Reuters

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Argentina settled with an additional creditor holding defaulted sovereign bonds for approximately $255 million, Daniel Pollack, the court-appointed mediator in the long-running case, said in a statement on Tuesday. The agreement in ...

Datum: | Bron: StreetInsider.com

De eerste burger zei in zijn toespraak dat hij het Westland de komende zes jaar verder zal 'verdiepen, versterken en verbeteren'. Ook beloofde Van der Tak vaker 'een mediator te zijn in lastige dossiers'. ,,Aan tafel komen met overheden, bedrijven en ...

Datum: | Bron: Telegraaf.nl

12 April 2016 – During a visit to Teheran, the United Nations mediator on the crisis in Syria underlined the importance of consulting with Iran's authorities because they “have an influence” and useful advice, while UN humanitarian agencies provided ...

Datum: | Bron: UN News Centre

... of equal importance for Russia and pledged to continue Moscow's peace-making efforts. On April 7, following talks in Yerevan with President Sargsyan and Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan, Medvedev said Moscow would act as a mediator in the conflict.

Datum: | Bron: Asia Times

NEW YORK Argentina settled with additional creditors holding defaulted sovereign bonds for $253 million, Daniel Pollack, the court-appointed mediator in the long-running case, said in a statement on Sunday. The agreements in principle reached late last ...

Datum: | Bron: Reuters UK

April 10 (Reuters) -. * Argentina Debt Mediator-Argentina on Thursday and Friday entered settlement agreements totaling about $253 million with numerous defaulted bondholders Source text for Eikon: ...

Datum: | Bron: Reuters

L'Association de défense des victimes du Mediator (ADVM), dont le siège est à Calais, a tenu sa cinquième assemblée générale. L'avocat de l'ADVM, Jean-François Changeur, encourage les adhérents à ne pas baisser les bras malgré la lenteur du dossier ...

Datum: | Bron: La Voix du Nord

As a mediator, though, my advice is a little more personal. Does your lawyer understand your goals? While it is important to ask questions about the lawyer's practice, cost and experience, it is also very important that any counsel that you hire ...

Datum: | Bron: Mediate.com

A very indecisive person can be playing into the power imbalance that the mediator is working hard to alleviate. They may also be unduly influenced by outside forces. I have mediated a divorce where every agreement was reversed within a day or two. I ...

Datum: | Bron: Women24

Mediators moeten een opleiding volgen en worden bij goed resultaat door Mediation Federatie Nederland erkend als officieel mediator. Er zijn sinds de invoering van mediation al veel zaken zoals echtscheidingen en financiële geschillen , maar ook andere ...

Datum: | Bron: Groninger Krant

YEREVAN, April 7. /TASS/. Russia will be prepared to act as a mediator in settling the Karabakh conflict, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev after a meeting with his Armenian counterpart, Hovik Abrahamyan, on Thursday.

Datum: | Bron: TASS

Le scandale du Mediator n'a pas fini de faire parler de lui. Les victimes du médicament rencontrent en effet de nombreuses difficultés pour se faire indemniser de leurs préjudices. La ministre de la Santé, Marisol Touraine, a donc décidé d'agir. Dans ...

Datum: | Bron: metronews

On a visit to Azerbaijan's capital, Baku, on Thursday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov emphasized Moscow's special role as mediator. "Beyond all doubt, we are interested - maybe more than the other foreign partners of these two countries - in ...

Datum: | Bron: Reuters

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Argentina settled with additional creditors holding defaulted sovereign bonds for just under $250 million, Daniel Pollack, the court-appointed mediator in the long-running case, said in a statement on Wednesday. The agreement in ...

Datum: | Bron: StreetInsider.com

Le ministère de la Santé présente un décret obligeant le laboratoire Servier à préciser aux victimes du Mediator si les compensations financières qu'il leur propose sont à la hauteur de celles préconisées par l'Office National d'Indemnisation des ...

Datum: | Bron: Francetv info

Президенты России, Армении и Азербайджана Владимир Путин, Серж Саргсян и Ильхам Алиев в ходе телефонных переговоров условились продолжить контакты по вопросам мирного урегулирования конфликта в Нагорном Карабахе, ...

Datum: | Bron: Lenta.ru

Craig Erickson spent just one season with the Indianapolis Colts, playing only six games, meaning the amount of sweat he poured on the field for them doesn't come close to the sweat required to get him on the team in the first place. Sweat, and, as it ...

Datum: | Bron: Palm Beach Post (blog)

There is a magic bullet that extends endurance, reduces muscle damage and builds lean body mass. No, it's not growth hormone or some mystery anabolic agent. I am talking about insulin, the body's ultimate recovery mediator. A general misconception is ...

Datum: | Bron: Triathlete Europe

Question: Are there any services you know of that help families resolve caregiving conflicts? My mother - who just turned 82 - recently had a stroke, and to make matters worse, my two siblings and I have been perpetually arguing about how to handle her ...

Datum: | Bron: Press of Atlantic City

Iran has expressed readiness to act as a mediator between Yerevan and Baku in the recent Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that Iran is ready to play role in the peaceful settling of the ...

Datum: | Bron: Trend News Agency

Baku. Turbat Baghirova – APA. Georgia could play the role of mediator in the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Chief of General Staff of the Georgian Armed Forces Major General Vakhtang Kapanadze told reporters on Apr. 4, Apsny press agency ...

Datum: | Bron: APA

YEREVAN, April 3. /TASS/. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is ready to act as a mediator between the parties following the recent escalation in the zone of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Patrick Vial, head of ICRC operations for the ...

Datum: | Bron: TASS

'Ik doe het niet', zegt directeur Arjan Eleveld. 'Je doet het wel', zegt de voorzitter van de raad van commissarissen. De president-commissaris vindt dat hij als toezichthouder een hogere rang heeft dan de directeur en die dus opdrachten mag geven ...

Datum: | Bron: Financieele Dagblad

National mediator Nils Dalseide managed to ward off a major strike on Sunday that would have disrupted operations at around 800 industrial firms in Norway from Monday morning. Dalseide hammered through an agreement more than 12 hours after the ...

Datum: | Bron: Views and News from Norway
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