Hieronder vindt u nieuwsberichten, gevonden op het internet met betrekking tot het woord mediator.
The ICC have used a mediator to settle a racism complaint, after Cricket Namibia complained under the ICC Anti-Racism Code during the ICC Intercontinental Cup fixture between Afghanistan and Namibia played in Greater Noida, India, from 10-12 April.
Datum: 28-06-2016 11:44 | Bron: FemaleFirst.co.ukWith NFM delivering an average of 16,000 mediations per year and 89 percent of cases closing successfully*, it can be an intense but effective process – as the separated couples make plans together, face-to-face, with the help of a skilled mediator ...
Datum: 28-06-2016 07:22 | Bron: Mediate.comOffering itself as a mediator in Europe's new political crisis, the US has called on the UK and the European Union to adopt a “sensible” and “thoughtful” approach to their upcoming divorce proceedings. US secretary of state John Kerry will visit ...
Datum: 27-06-2016 09:42 | Bron: Financial TimesDe rechter stelde zich gaandeweg de zitting steeds meer op als mediator, die de partijen wilde dwingen om terug te keren naar de onderhandelingstafel. Hij polste bij beide partijen – in het Engels, vanwege easyJet-personeelsmanager en onderhandelaar ...
Datum: 24-06-2016 19:28 | Bron: nrc.nlArch Coal's official committee of unsecured creditors filed with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court a motion for an order directing the appointment of a mediator. The motion explains, “As a result of the breakdown in negotiations – and the Lender Group's ...
Datum: 24-06-2016 12:33 | Bron: Bankrupt Company News (press release) (blog)I can only imagine that all family mediators are hugely in favour of their professional craft being both explained, and promoted, to the public, via the most intrusive medium available to us – national TV. So congratulations to NFM, the BBC, and Wild ...
Datum: 23-06-2016 16:51 | Bron: Family LawWe are hopeful that the addition of the federal mediator will move things along and keep the Board consistent in its proposals. We remain dedicated to good faith bargaining at the table to reach an agreement that is fair to the teachers and the ...
Datum: 23-06-2016 03:07 | Bron: Patch.comCANTON, Mass., June 22, 2016 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The 17-member Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) nurse bargaining committee will meet at the federal mediator's office in Boston on Friday, June 24 to continue contract negotiations with a ...
Datum: 23-06-2016 00:15 | Bron: PR Newswire (press release)Hij is mediator en heeft een adviespraktijk speciaal voor samengestelde gezinnen. Deze moeder moet eerst met de ex in conclaaf, zegt hij. "We weten niet hoe de breuk met de vader is ontstaan, en waarom de kinderen van hem niet mogen omgaan met de ...
Datum: 22-06-2016 21:57 | Bron: TrouwWe meet them during Mr v Mrs: Call the Mediator (BBC2). Actually, there is another factor in Sue and Peter's split – Bernard. Yes, not only does Sue not love Peter, but she does love Bernard, even though he is a bit older, and won't be around for ever ...
Datum: 22-06-2016 08:21 | Bron: The GuardianHEELSUM - Een medewerker van NOC/NSF moet de impasse rond de privatisering van het Heelsumse sportpark Wilhelmina vlot trekken. De drie voetbalclubs RVW, Redichem en CRHC komen niet uit een gezamenlijk plan voor beheer en onderhoud van ...
Datum: 22-06-2016 07:59 | Bron: De GelderlanderMy favourite is the passage which says (something like): there's no marriage that cannot be improved by a man and his wife sitting down together over a bottle of wine and picking apart someone else's. Mr vs Mrs: Call The Mediators (BBC2) does the work ...
Datum: 22-06-2016 01:07 | Bron: Express.co.ukThe term shuttle diplomacy was invented for Henry Kissinger as he negotiated peace in the Middle East in the 1970s. The sides needed to talk, but could not bear to be in the same room. On the first of the observational documentary series Mr vs Mrs ...
Datum: 22-06-2016 01:06 | Bron: The Times (subscription)Do you believe in love? If you do, you obviously haven't seen Mr vs Mrs: Call the Mediator (BBC Two). This new documentary series followed the work of the National Family Mediation (NFM) service, the organisation charged with the unenviable task of ...
Datum: 21-06-2016 23:01 | Bron: Telegraph.co.ukFALL RIVER — The Department of Labor Relations has approved neutral and non-binding mediation between the city and the sanitation union workers, 24 of whom are facing layoffs on June 30 as the administration moves ahead with privatizing trash pickup.
Datum: 21-06-2016 22:50 | Bron: Fall River Herald NewsHow about BBC Two's Mr vs Mrs: Call the Mediator, about warring couples having to either settle their disputes together, or venture off into a bitter battle over what is rightfully theirs. Wait a second… The BBC's new documentary follows mediators ...
Datum: 21-06-2016 19:05 | Bron: Evening StandardHere Irene Jackson, a mediator for nine years who features in the series, gives an insight into her work... The main bones of contention are property, money and access to children. Whatever the issue, it generally boils down to the fact that one person ...
Datum: 21-06-2016 14:57 | Bron: Radio Times... undergoing divorce mediation. Sue and Peter can't work out how to split their assets, while Martin and Nicky are divided over custody arrangements. We also meet Jason and Vicky, who haven't spoken in six months and meet with their mediator ...
Datum: 21-06-2016 07:10 | Bron: The GuardianThis often emotional three-part series turns the spotlight on the National Family Mediation service, which helps separated couples resolve disputes in order to prevent a messy court case. First up, cameras follow Peter and Sue after their 28-year ...
Datum: 20-06-2016 21:10 | Bron: What's On TV'Haqibat, haqibat.' Veel boze blikken. Jaloezie, omdat anderen werden voorgetrokken. 'Heel primair gedrag,' zegt Margreet, van beroep mediator in zakelijke conflicten. Ze is gestopt met de winkel, maar wel gaat ze geregeld op pad met een groepje kinderen.
Datum: 20-06-2016 17:05 | Bron: Vrij NederlandIn een overrompelende slotdialoog tussen de verteller en generaal van den Bosch doet de mediator een klemmend beroep op het publiek. Waar staan de toeschouwers? Ook zij hebben zich gaandeweg aan de hand van het meeslepende spel een oordeel ...
Datum: 19-06-2016 15:11 | Bron: dekrantvanmiddendrenthe.nlIn the shape of charismatic divorce mediator Irene Jackson. Calming and cheerful, every time, the couple appear at impasse, Irene coaxes them back into negotiation, ensuring each one not only is heard by the other, but feels they have been heard. She ...
Datum: 18-06-2016 09:04 | Bron: Telegraph.co.ukMr v Mrs: Call the Mediator: Couples try to resolve disputes. Separated couples attempt to resolve their disputes over money, children and property - without a courtroom battle. The Last Heist trailer featuring Henry... Read More · 1:27min · Expect ...
Datum: 18-06-2016 03:40 | Bron: Daily MailMr v Mrs: Call The Mediator, is a fly-on-the-wall documentary that offers viewers a rare view into other people's relationships, or the remnants thereof. Remember the classic quiz show Mr & Mrs, where couples discussed each other's foibles? Well, this ...
Datum: 18-06-2016 02:14 | Bron: Daily MailIn zulke gevallen proberen partijen onder begeleiding van een mediator tot een vergelijk te komen. Ook kunnen de twistende partijen naar een advocaat stappen, waarbij ze vooraf met elkaar afspreken dat zij diens uitspraak zullen accepteren. (Zie ook ...
Datum: 17-06-2016 14:14 | Bron: Financieele Dagblad