Hieronder vindt u nieuwsberichten, gevonden op het internet met betrekking tot het woord mediator.
The European Union has announced its readiness to act as a mediator between Russia and Ukraine against the background of deteriorating relations between the countries. This was stated by the European Commission representative in Brussels, DW ...
Datum: 16-08-2016 08:33 | Bron: Ukrinform NewsEDWARDSVILLE — County officials have asked for a mediator in a case brought against them by a veteran who claims he was treated unfairly after he suffered ...
Datum: 16-08-2016 03:49 | Bron: Alton TelegraphA mediator could help create what Parente called a “path for Mr. Lavite to return” to his office on county property. County officials are seeking agreement on two points — first, that Lavite receive “full medical clearance” from his physician, though ...
Datum: 16-08-2016 03:49 | Bron: Alton TelegraphDe graanoogst kenmerkt zich dit jaar als heel bijzonder. De eerste wintertarwe is op tijd geoogst met vochtpercentages van 15,5% tot wel 18% vocht. Het oogsten ging met horten en stoten tussen de buien door. En nog is niet alles eraf.
Datum: 15-08-2016 20:38 | Bron: Boerderij (abonnement)... vuilnis, aanhoudende pesterijen en onenigheid over de erfscheidingen.' Uitzonderingen zijn zaken waarbij het draait om agressief of gewelddadig gedrag. 'In die gevallen komt een zaak op het bordje terecht van de politie of een beroepsmatige ...
Datum: 15-08-2016 18:43 | Bron: Emmen.nuThis has, however, brought to fore the hidden talent of Sarvjit Singh as a mediator. Guess the date! The invitation card of the Chandigarh Municipal Corporation's Independence Day celebrations nowhere mentioned the date of the programme. Though names ...
Datum: 14-08-2016 22:29 | Bron: Chandigarh TribuneStudents should not look to Minister of Higher Education Blade Nzimande for guidance in their quest for free education as he turned their outcry into a joke, ...
Datum: 14-08-2016 16:01 | Bron: News24The dispute over islands in the South China Sea is deepening, with countries unable to reach a political settlement engaged in a military buildup in the area ...
Datum: 14-08-2016 13:56 | Bron: Sputnik InternationalDe hoogleraar Ouderenzorg aan de Universiteit van Maastricht doet zijn uitspraken in Mediator, een online uitgave van ZonMw. Hamers pleit voor meer wetenschappelijke onderbouwing van verpleegkundig handelen: 'Verpleegkundigen baseren hun ...
Datum: 13-08-2016 16:09 | Bron: Nursing. Platform voor verpleegkundigenChampaign- The Champaign Federations of Teachers and Unit 4 school board have made some progress on contract talks after meeting August 11 but still ...
Datum: 13-08-2016 04:05 | Bron: WANDMet op die dag een gratis kennismaking en gesprek met zo'n mediator van het advocatenkantoor. Daar kan iedereen terecht met vragen als: hoe gaat de alimentatie en hoe steekt een omgangsregeling in elkaar? Of welke rechten hebben kinderen tot zij ...
Datum: 12-08-2016 14:26 | Bron: Nieuwe Stadsblad (persbericht) (Blog)Is your to-do list piling up with minor (but majorly annoying) tasks such as fixing broken windows, swapping out old ceiling fans for palm blades, or repairing the broken sprinkler system? We get it: You want to do everything yourself, but even the ...
Datum: 11-08-2016 23:48 | Bron: Realtor.com NewsContract talks between Delta Air Lines Inc. and its pilots have been suspended for three weeks by a federal mediator because of a lack of progress.
Datum: 11-08-2016 22:55 | Bron: BloombergThat's what the mediator is for.” Teachers will meet in a general membership meeting Aug. 30. Depending on how negotiations go, teachers will either be voting to ratify the contract or they will be voting to strike. Help in reaching an agreement is on ...
Datum: 11-08-2016 05:21 | Bron: The ColumbianSANTÉ - Vers un nouveau scandale "médiator"? Plus de 10.000 femmes auraient pris de la Dépakine, un anti-épileptique accusé notamment de provoquer des malformations chez le foetus, entre 2007 et 2014, affirme le Canard Enchaîné dans son édition du ...
Datum: 10-08-2016 08:50 | Bron: Le Huffington PostProblema fundamentală a chestiunii nistrene, este, în opinia autorului, amestecul agresorului devenit mediator, care are și pretenţii de garant al soluționării conflictului. După recenta implicare a aşa numiţilor „pacificatori” în exerciţii militare ...
Datum: 10-08-2016 07:32 | Bron: Radio Europa LiberăSeit antisemitischen Äußerungen Wolfgang Gedeons sitzen zwei Fraktionen der AfD im Landtag in Baden-Württemberg. Gernot Barth vermittelt.
Datum: 09-08-2016 16:16 | Bron: Süddeutsche.deMediator urges Ain al-Hilweh fugitives to hand themselves in. File - Fatah members parade at the Palestinian refugee camp of Ain al-Hilweh, Tuesday, July 8, 2014. (The Daily Star/Mohammed Zaatari). RSS; Follow; Email; Print; Share. Mohammed Zaatari| ...
Datum: 08-08-2016 23:18 | Bron: The Daily StarMediator urges Ain al-Hilweh fugitives to hand themselves in. File - Fatah members parade at the Palestinian refugee camp of Ain al-Hilweh, Tuesday, July 8, 2014. (The Daily Star/Mohammed Zaatari). RSS; Follow; Email; Print; Share. Mohammed Zaatari| ...
Datum: 08-08-2016 23:18 | Bron: The Daily StarVanaf 5 september is De Mol op RTL 4 te zien in zijn nieuwe rol als mediator tussen onhandelbare tieners en verscheurde gezinnen. De families krijgen allen hun eigen hutje aan het strand ver weg van de dagelijkse routine, waar ze onder leiding van De ...
Datum: 08-08-2016 20:46 | Bron: RTL NieuwsStuttgart - Die AfD in Baden-Württemberg bemüht einen Mediator, um die 14-köpfige Gruppe um Jörg Meuthen und die Rest-AfD zu versöhnen. Erst einmal starten halbstündige Vier-Augen-Gespräche. Die zerstrittene AfD im baden-württembergischen ...
Datum: 08-08-2016 14:01 | Bron: Merkur.deIf Brexit were an ancient Greek tragedy, David Cameron would be the tragic hero. I woke up early on 24 June to see a barometer on the BBC website slightly tipped towards Leave, and then to watch the rest of the votes come in until the text below the ...
Datum: 07-08-2016 13:37 | Bron: Mediate.com... mais notons Matthieu Suc (Mediapart) sur l'assaut de Saint-Denis, Kamel Daoud écrivain algérien, Fabrice Arfi (Mediapart) sur les affaires (Cahuzac, Woerth-Bettencourt, Sarkozy-Khadafi-Karachi), Hélène Frachon sur le scandale du Mediator, Guillaume ...
Datum: 05-08-2016 18:41 | Bron: MediapartA mediator is being brought in to settle a row between Dublin City Council and the builder of the 22 modular homes in Ballymun. They've...
Datum: 05-08-2016 15:31 | Bron: 98FMHet wetsvoorstel Wet Bevordering Mediation moet geschillen buiten de rechtspraak om oplossen. Defence for Children denkt dat inzet van mediation ook nodig ...
Datum: 05-08-2016 11:59 | Bron: Nationale Onderwijsgids