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The dispute over pay between Lufthansa and its pilots looks to be coming to an end as both groups have agreed to mediator recommendations. The two groups said they agreed to the mediator's recommendation of an annual pay rise of 2% backdated to ...
Datum: 16-02-2017 10:16 | Bron: Air Cargo NewsAn international mediator said Ukraine's warring sides have agreed to withdraw heavy weapons from the front line by February 20 in line with the Minsk peace plan. Martin Sajdik, the lead negotiator on the Ukraine crisis for the Organization for ...
Datum: 16-02-2017 03:52 | Bron: RadioFreeEurope/RadioLibertyIran Focus is dedicated to providing comprehensive, up-to-date information and news on the Persian Gulf and Middle East region in a fair and balanced manner.
Datum: 15-02-2017 21:41 | Bron: Iran FocusMarit de Jong heeft jarenlange ervaring als mediator. Zij kan ingeschakeld worden als bemiddelaar bij arbeidsconflicten en bij conflicten in de familiesfeer waarbij de emoties zo hoog oplopen dat de betrokkenen er niet meer zelf uit komen. Het doel is ...
Datum: 15-02-2017 16:50 | Bron: Veluweland.nlFRANKFURT Lufthansa said it had accepted the recommendations made by a mediator in a long-running row over pay with pilots' union Vereinigung Cockpit, which will add around 85 million euros ($90 million) to its annual costs. The German flagship carrier ...
Datum: 15-02-2017 13:05 | Bron: ReutersFor cases where going to court might be unnecessary a mediator will have to be enlisted in order to reach a settlement outside of court, thus providing everyone involved with a low-stress environment where each party can state their case in front of a ...
Datum: 14-02-2017 21:26 | Bron: Satellite PR News (press release)Mingea este la coaliția de guvernare și soluția la criză trebuie să vină de la PSD, spune președintele. „Însă mediator nu înseamnă doar să vorbesc cu ...
Datum: 14-02-2017 12:02 | Bron: Digi24SS Rajamouli's Baahubali: The Conclusion is one of the highly-anticipated sequels of the year. While we are already super excited for its April-end release, here's an interesting update that will pump you up even more. Reportedly, Shah Rukh Khan will ...
Datum: 14-02-2017 01:58 | Bron: PINKVILLAMARQUETTE, Mich. (WLUC) - A law firm representing the Marquette County Road Commission will meet with the Environmental Protection Agency and a court-appointed mediator soon. They'll be trying to reach an agreements on the lawsuit against the EPA ...
Datum: 13-02-2017 23:32 | Bron: UpperMichigansSource.comMadrid, Feb 13 (Prensa Latina) Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy denied today he did not offer Donald Trump to be a mediator between the United States ...
Datum: 13-02-2017 17:03 | Bron: Prensa LatinaMARQUETTE COUNTY, Mich. (WLUC) - The Marquette County Road Commission, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and a court-appointed mediator will discuss the proposed County Road 595 project next month, according to a road commission ...
Datum: 13-02-2017 16:22 | Bron: UpperMichigansSource.comGloucester's School Committee is offering the district's teachers annual pay increases of 2 percent over the next two years.
Datum: 13-02-2017 13:14 | Bron: Gloucester Daily TimesAn independent mediator will be called in to resolve the disagreement between the NRL and Manly over Brett Stewart's medical retirement clearance if the Sea Eagles' appeal is rejected. Fairfax Media understands the Sea Eagles will clear almost a ...
Datum: 13-02-2017 10:44 | Bron: The Sydney Morning HeraldLufthansa en pilotenvakbond Vereinigung Cockpit (VC) beslissen volgende week of ze de deal die is voorgesteld door een mediator accepteren. Dit meldt persbureau Reuters. Gunter Pleuger, voormalig diplomaat en nu mediator, presenteerde zijn voorstel ...
Datum: 11-02-2017 13:33 | Bron: Up in the SkyBruce Rauner says an undisclosed third party tried to help strike a budget deal between the Illinois governor and his main political rival - House Speaker Michael Madigan. Governor Rauner was asked this morning whether he's tried a mediator with ...
Datum: 11-02-2017 02:26 | Bron: Peoria Public RadioOn January 20-21, RSI put on an advanced two-day training for the mediators in our new Child Protection Mediation Program operating out of Geneva, IL. This training was the culmination of our efforts to put in place a dynamic and collaborative new ...
Datum: 10-02-2017 17:39 | Bron: Mediate.comOn January 12, 2017, the Wisconsin Supreme Court approved Rule Petition 16-04 that expanded the role of lawyer mediators in family law cases. The rule permits a lawyer mediator who assists parties in reaching agreements in a case arising under the ...
Datum: 10-02-2017 17:39 | Bron: Mediate.comLufthansa (LHAG.DE) and pilots' union Vereinigung Cockpit (VC) will decide next week whether to accept a deal proposed by a mediator to settle a long-running ...
Datum: 10-02-2017 16:42 | Bron: ReutersRussian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said that meetings between the Assad regime and Syria's Kurdish groups, including PKK's Syrian offshoot People's Protection Units (YPG) took place with Russia as a mediator, the Russian Izvestia daily reported ...
Datum: 10-02-2017 14:26 | Bron: Daily Sabah... met belanghebbenden, vindt Plug. Hij opperde tevens een mediator aan te stellen. Afschieten zou betekenen dat de gemeente Apeldoorn ten overvloede bruggen beweegbaar heeft gemaakt en dat het ook geen zin heeft dat Brummen dat nu voorbereidt.
Datum: 09-02-2017 13:55 | Bron: De StentorZeist – Scheiden doe je samen, maar dat is makkelijker gezegd dan gedaan, zo vinden de familierechtadvocaten van Het Rond Advocaten in Zeist. Veelvuldig krijgen zij vragen over de vele zaken die bij een scheiding geregeld moeten worden. Daarom ...
Datum: 09-02-2017 12:06 | Bron: Nieuwsbode Zeist (persbericht) (Blog)EAST MOLINE, Ill. (KWQC) – Teachers in the East Moline School District have asked for a federal mediator to assist with more contract talks as a possible strike looms. According to a news release, the East Moline Education Association says a ...
Datum: 08-02-2017 21:37 | Bron: KWQC-TV6A Massachusetts federal judge on Wednesday referred the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's age bias case against restaurant chain Texas ...
Datum: 08-02-2017 21:30 | Bron: Law360 (subscription)In this chapter, we identify the leading commercial mediators at the Bar. The range of individuals featured includes part and full-time mediators, door tenants, and members of specialist mediation chambers with a strong track record in high-profile ...
Datum: 08-02-2017 17:28 | Bron: Who's Who LegalForeign Minister Sameh Shoukry described Egypt's ties with Saudi Arabia as "strong, deep and not needing meditation". In response to journalists during a press conference held on Wednesday with his Jordanian counterpart Ayman al-Safdy, Shoukry said ...
Datum: 08-02-2017 14:25 | Bron: Egypt Independent