Hieronder vindt u nieuwsberichten, gevonden op het internet met betrekking tot het woord mediator.
I warn the parties that my number is not intended to do justice, to reflect truth, to effectuate reasoned judgment, or to provide balm for the injured or dam...
Datum: 08-03-2017 16:33 | Bron: Connecticut Law TribuneI rarely give a "Mediator's Number," and I never give one unless the circumstances are just right. What are those circumstances? First, the parties have to request ...
Datum: 08-03-2017 16:33 | Bron: Connecticut Law TribuneADVOCATE Sharmila Sanjay Charalwar, an eminent lawyer and trained mediator in family and district court, has been awarded 'Best Trained Advocate Mediator Award' of Maharashtra State. The award conferred on her by Justice Naresh H Patil, and ...
Datum: 08-03-2017 06:11 | Bron: The HitavadaHealth Minister Ya'acov Litzman announced he had named Kobi Amsalem, a former Treasury salary director, as a nonbinding mediator.
Datum: 08-03-2017 01:09 | Bron: Jerusalem Post Israel NewsMarch 6, 2017 (KHARTOUM) - The head of the international follow-up committee for peace implementation, and Qatari Deputy Prime Minister, Ahmed bin ...
Datum: 07-03-2017 09:47 | Bron: Sudan TribuneAs a professional divorce mediator, I work with people who have made the difficult choice to end a marriage. Most of the couples I work with have made the decision after much consideration. For them, extending the waiting period would only prolong the ...
Datum: 07-03-2017 07:42 | Bron: NonDocNordhausen. Wirtschaftsmediation ist eine attraktive Form der außergerichtlichen Streitbeilegung für Unternehmen. In einem freiwilligen Verfahren erarbeiten die Parteien mit Hilfe eines neutralen Dritten, dem Mediator, selbstständig und ...
Datum: 07-03-2017 02:04 | Bron: Thüringer AllgemeineDe LAD, FMS en FBZ zien geen ruimte voor de inzet van een mediator in hun geschil, zolang GGZ Nederland geen bestuurlijk gesprek wil. GGZ Nederland noemt het inzetten van een bemiddelende partij 'te prematuur, nu we net het gesprek aan de cao-tafel ...
Datum: 06-03-2017 14:04 | Bron: Medisch ContactHij schreef daarom een brief aan de mediator om uitstel te vragen, vanwege de mishandeling, en noemde de ex-man daarin 'dader'. Als bewijs daarvoor voegde hij stukken toe over een boete die de man had moeten betalen na de mishandeling en een ...
Datum: 06-03-2017 09:04 | Bron: Dagblad van het NoordenDat gebeurt in dialoog met een daarvoor opgeleide mediator. Als die bijvoorbeeld iets uitlegt over plantensoorten, leert het kind daarmee ook verschillen op andere gebieden te zien, op details te letten, zaken in te delen en te groeperen. Het ...
Datum: 05-03-2017 08:46 | Bron: Nieuw Israelitisch WeekbladStaffan de Mistura, the United Nations envoy, said talks in Geneva had produced a “clear agenda” for the first time to resolve the six-year-old war.
Datum: 04-03-2017 01:35 | Bron: New York TimesGeneva, Mar 3 (AP) The United Nations special envoy for Syria concluded today a marathon of “tough but constructive” talks in Geneva with an agreement from the conflicting parties to pursue further talks on a political transition to end the six-year war.
Datum: 03-03-2017 21:39 | Bron: India.com(Amaq News Agency via AP, File). FILE -This file image posted online on Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016, by the Aamaq News Agency, a media arm of the Islamic State group, purports to show a general view of the ancient ruins of the city of Palmyra, in Homs provin.
Datum: 03-03-2017 21:15 | Bron: WBOC TV 16Tesco management and the Mandate trade union have agreed to appoint a mediator to oversee talks aimed at resolving a long-running dispute which saw ...
Datum: 03-03-2017 20:09 | Bron: Irish TimesHij studeerde Geschiedenis aan de Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht en heeft de opleiding Mediator Openbaar Bestuur gevolgd. Hij was (waarnemend) burgemeester in Albrandswaard, Goeree-Overflakkee, Noordwijk, Bodegraven-Reeuwijk en Bodegraven en ...
Datum: 02-03-2017 16:08 | Bron: Zuid Zenderstreek (persbericht) (Blog)Provincial mediator Warren Winkler has scheduled mediation dates later this month for Essar Steel Algoma, the United Steelworkers union and term lenders who want to buy the Sault steelmaker. But Michael Da Prat, president of Steelworkers Local 2251, ...
Datum: 01-03-2017 23:45 | Bron: SooToday.comUnder these circumstances Beijing may gain an opportunity to increase its influence in the region and strengthen its position as a Syrian mediator, the Russian expert assumed. According to Tarasov, China may also initiate separate talks on the Middle ...
Datum: 01-03-2017 18:13 | Bron: Sputnik InternationalTalks between Nigeria and Boko Haram militants over the release of some 200 schoolgirls abducted from Chibok almost three years ago could extend to negotiating peace in the conflict-hit northeast, lawyer, Zannah Mustapha, a mediator involved in the ...
Datum: 01-03-2017 17:29 | Bron: News Agency of Nigeria (satire) (press release)Au Havre, le Volcan propose "Mon coeur" une pièce de Pauline Bureau qui porte la voix des victimes du Médiator et d'Irène Frachon, le médecin pneumologue qui s'est battu pour que soit reconnue la responsabilité du laboratoire Servier dans la mort de ...
Datum: 01-03-2017 11:01 | Bron: FranceinfoAgriculture Minister Bill Byrne said the Honourable Richard Chesterman AO RFD had agreed to act as the mediator. “We have consistently supported a negotiated outcome,” Mr Byrne said. “By agreeing to fund and facilitate this process the government aims ...
Datum: 28-02-2017 02:33 | Bron: North Queensland RegisterL'annonce de ce choix dans Le Figaro avait suscité l'indignation chez les victimes du Mediator, l'incompréhension des internautes et la colère d'une partie du corps médical français. Et, selon nos informations, Marie-Thérèse Hermange a été maintenue ...
Datum: 27-02-2017 17:20 | Bron: Figaro SantéOn February 25, Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia Adel Al-Jubeir made a surprising visit to Iraq. Al-Jubeir's trip was the first official visit to Iraq by a Saudi foreign ...
Datum: 27-02-2017 15:38 | Bron: Sputnik InternationalAm observat că preşedintele reintră, uşor-uşor, în haina constituţională, de factor de echilibru, de mediator în societate şi de persoană responsabilă cu respectare prevederilor constituţionale”, a declarat primarul Capitalei, Gabriela Firea, la Antena ...
Datum: 27-02-2017 06:00 | Bron: Mediafax... inhoud, ook op persoonlijke stijl. Het verkiezingsdebat heeft zijn langste tijd gehad. In 2018 gaan we opnieuw naar de stembus. Welke omroep durft? Marco Doeser is mediator en specialist op het gebied van dialoog, weerstanden en conflictcommunicatie.
Datum: 26-02-2017 00:12 | Bron: Communicatie OnlineNext time you have a dispute, and it seems like you'll never come to an agreement, maybe all you need is to sit down and talk – with the help of a local mediator.
Datum: 24-02-2017 12:13 | Bron: Wicked Local Hanover