Hieronder vindt u nieuwsberichten, gevonden op het internet met betrekking tot het woord mediator.
Omdat de overheid steeds meer het mes zet in de kunstsubsidies, dus ook in de muziek, heeft ze een opleiding tot mediator gevolgd en is ze naast haar muzikale activiteiten een praktijk in Bodegraven begonnen. Ook hier komt haar interesse in mensen goed ...
Datum: 25-03-2017 11:19 | Bron: RTV BodegravenThe Supreme Court, the Philippine Judicial Academy and the Philippine Mediation Center Office are inviting those interested to become a Court-Annexed ...
Datum: 25-03-2017 05:50 | Bron: Catanduanes TribuneWORCESTER - A federal judge Thursday sent to mediation a lawsuit filed against J.C. Penney by the family of a local boy raped in the dressing room of its Sturbridge store by an employee in 2009. The family is seeking $4.5 million in damages, saying the ...
Datum: 25-03-2017 02:13 | Bron: Worcester TelegramNIAGARA – The mediator appointed by the province to broker a resolution in the contract talks between Niagara's Catholic elementary teachers and the school ...
Datum: 25-03-2017 01:45 | Bron: Niagarathisweek.comTeachers picket outside of St Vincent de Paul Catholic Elementary School on Kalar Road in Niagara Falls. On Monday morning, the Niagara Catholic District School Board locked out its elementary teachers after the two sides failed to reach a deal ...
Datum: 23-03-2017 12:48 | Bron: Niagarathisweek.comPeters heeft zich bijvoorbeeld gespecialiseerd in familie- en erfrecht en is officieel mediator en lid van de Vereniging van Familierecht Advocaten en Scheidingsmediators. Na zijn beëdiging tot advocaat in 2006 heeft hij hiervoor een driejarige ...
Datum: 23-03-2017 08:20 | Bron: DeWoudenberger.nlDespite a public apology over being assaulted mid-air, Sunil Grover doesn't seem eager to return to Kapil Sharma's comedy show. Sunil, who plays Dr Mashoor Gulati and Rinku Devi among a variety of fun characters, hasn't turned up for shoot for two ...
Datum: 23-03-2017 04:22 | Bron: Mid-DayMILAN, March 22 (Reuters) - Vivendi supervisory board member Tarak Ben Ammar said on Wednesday he was ready to act as a mediator between the French media group and Italian broadcaster Mediaset in a dispute over a collapsed pay-TV deal. Mediaset ...
Datum: 22-03-2017 18:14 | Bron: Daily MailLocal mediator Donna Rintoul held a brainstorming session to try to find a way to keep mediation services visible in the community.
Datum: 22-03-2017 18:08 | Bron: Golden StarAux Bouffes du Nord, Pauline Bureau fait entendre le calvaire des victimes du médicament du laboratoire Servier. L'affaire du Mediator n'est pas finie.
Datum: 22-03-2017 15:14 | Bron: Le FigaroHanneke Rothbarth (foto) is benoemd tot partner van Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer in Amsterdam, per 1 mei 2017. Verder wordt een Ekelmans & Meijer-partner definitief zakelijk mediator en is een De Brauw-partner benoemd tot hoogleraar corporate ...
Datum: 22-03-2017 12:07 | Bron: AdvocatieMediatoren zijn altijd leerlingen van de hoogste groepen die andere leerlingen helpen met het oplossen van conflicten. De mediatoren krijgen een training voordat ze zich mediator mogen noemen. 22 maart is de eerste lichting van 16 leerlingen van groep ...
Datum: 22-03-2017 11:11 | Bron: DeStadGorinchem.nlNEW DELHI: Chief Justice of India JS Khehar said that the Ayodhya dispute was a sensitive issue that involved faith and must be “sorted out through talks” between the parties, while offering the good offices of any sitting Supreme Court judge ...
Datum: 21-03-2017 19:35 | Bron: Economic TimesTeachers picket outside of St Vincent de Paul Catholic Elementary School on Kalar Road in Niagara Falls. On Monday morning, the Niagara Catholic District ...
Datum: 21-03-2017 16:37 | Bron: Niagarathisweek.comRebel fighters and their families that evacuated the besieged Waer district in the central Syrian city of Homs, after an agreement reached between rebels and Syria's army, arrive on the southern outskirts of the Syrian city of al-Bab, Syria March 19, 2017.
Datum: 21-03-2017 11:15 | Bron: ReutersAprès plus de six ans de bras de fer judiciaire, le scandale du Mediator revient devant la justice: les laboratoires Servier vont demander mercredi l'annulation de leur mise en examen pour "escroquerie" et "tromperie aggravée". Si la chambre de l ...
Datum: 21-03-2017 09:08 | Bron: BoursoramaAs the Syrian civil war enters its seventh year (the conflict officially started on March 15, 2011, with mainly peaceful protesters in Damascus coming out into the streets to demand democratic reforms and the release of political prisoners), a ...
Datum: 21-03-2017 08:36 | Bron: Times of Central Asia (subscription)In een reactie verklaarde voorzitter Jacques Hendrikx dat er door het bestuur nog steeds hard gewerkt wordt. ,,Voor het aanstellen van een mediator en een Raad van Toezicht.'' De voorzitter heeft 'geen idee' of het het bestuur lukt om binnen een week ...
Datum: 20-03-2017 22:26 | Bron: BD.nlSo often as a mediator, attorney and guardian ad litem, I hear parents profess their undying love for their children, yet they engage in behaviors that are indisputably destructive to those very children. As inadequate as you might think your spouse is ...
Datum: 20-03-2017 16:50 | Bron: The Jewish NewsAprès le cinéma, le théâtre s'empare du scandale du Mediator avec "Mon Coeur", une plongée bouleversante dans le quotidien d'une femme qui paye très cher son désir de minceur. La pièce est donnée au Théâtre des Bouffes du NordThéâtre avant une ...
Datum: 20-03-2017 14:28 | Bron: Sciences et AvenirA joint letter to Montgomery County Planning Board Chairman Casey Anderson, Montgomery County Executive Isiah Leggett and County Council President Roger Berliner said, with an agreement by all those involved, that the county would hire a mediator to ...
Datum: 20-03-2017 10:39 | Bron: WTOPQ: I am in mediation for child custody. It is getting me NOWHERE! I am asking for spit custody, I end up with one weekend a month. How do I appeal the mediator's decision? Do I file DE NOVO? What motion would I submit? A: If you are referring to ...
Datum: 19-03-2017 18:49 | Bron: Lawyers.com Blog (blog)The Syrian Army has reported that it has shot down an Israeli F-16 that violated Syrian airspace to carry out an attack on Syrian Army positions near Palmyra. According to Russian political scientist Gevorg Mirzayan, Israel has jeopardized an unwritten ...
Datum: 18-03-2017 19:55 | Bron: Sputnik InternationalMontgomery County will hire a mediator in an attempt to resolve an emotionally charged dispute over the search for a lost African American cemetery that has pitted a Baptist church in Bethesda against planning officials and a real estate developer.
Datum: 17-03-2017 23:19 | Bron: Washington PostCounty Executive Ike Leggett and County Council President Roger Berliner are requesting that a third-party mediator try to settle a dispute between the ...
Datum: 17-03-2017 20:02 | Bron: BethesdaMagazine.com