Hieronder vindt u nieuwsberichten, gevonden op het internet met betrekking tot het woord mediator.
BURLINGTON, Vt. (AP) Teachers in Burlington will not be going on strike on Wednesday after the union and school board have agreed to meet with a mediator.
Datum: 13-09-2017 14:09 | Bron: North Country Public RadioSep 13, 2017 — BURLINGTON, Vt. (AP) Teachers in Burlington will not be going on strike on Wednesday after the union and school board have agreed to meet with a mediator. The teachers had voted last week to go on strike Wednesday if the board didn't ...
Datum: 13-09-2017 14:09 | Bron: North Country Public RadioDar es Salaam - A new mediator was urgently needed to help end the six-year civil war in Burundi after the death of former Tanzanian president Julius Nyerere, Burundi's government said on Sunday. The peace talks, involving Burundi's military-backed ...
Datum: 13-09-2017 11:23 | Bron: Independent OnlineJakarta is ready to represent Muslim nations and act as a mediator to help resolve the crisis faced by the ethnic Muslim Rohingya minority in Myanmar's Rakhine State, according to Indonesian Vice-President Jusuf Kalla. Speaking on the sidelines of the ...
Datum: 13-09-2017 06:58 | Bron: ucanewsThey — and the Minnesota Supreme Court — believe it is possible. On Tuesday, Sept. 12, Dayton and lawmakers announced they picked attorney and experienced mediator Rick Solum to guide them through their dispute. Later in the day, the Supreme Court ...
Datum: 13-09-2017 05:29 | Bron: WDAZTeachers in Burlington will not be going on strike on Wednesday after the union and school board have agreed to meet with a mediator.
Datum: 13-09-2017 04:13 | Bron: WAMCThe State Supreme Court says it wants a report on the new talks by late this month, after the justices called for the mediator in lieu of deciding yet whether Dayton's move was constitutional. Judge Solum has been a mediator in the past, resolving a ...
Datum: 13-09-2017 02:57 | Bron: Voice Of Alexandria (press release) (registration)ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — Gov. Mark Dayton and top Republicans on Tuesday chose an experienced mediator to try to help them out of a constitutional impasse. The two sides have been locked in a legal battle for months over Dayton's decision to veto the ...
Datum: 12-09-2017 23:55 | Bron: Wahpeton Daily NewsBURLINGTON, Vt. (AP) — Teachers in Burlington will not be going on strike on Wednesday after the union and school board have agreed to meet with a mediator. The teachers had voted last week to go on strike Wednesday if the board didn't return to the ...
Datum: 12-09-2017 19:28 | Bron: Caledonian RecordBullying can threaten students' physical and emotional safety at school and can negatively impact their ability to learn and lead to school strikes, suicid ...
Datum: 12-09-2017 07:50 | Bron: Capital FM Kenya (press release) (blog)Whoever ends up as mediator will have their work cut out for them. Rank-and-file Republican lawmakers remain staunchly opposed to a deal with Dayton, who is demanding that the Legislature reconsider some tax breaks and a few policy items from the ...
Datum: 12-09-2017 03:34 | Bron: Minneapolis Star TribuneLOS ANGELES, Sept. 11, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mediator, facilitative Family Law Attorney and Collaborative Law PractitionerMark B. Baer today ...
Datum: 11-09-2017 12:08 | Bron: Markets InsiderAfter more than six months of negotiations, officials and faculty in the Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District have called off normal contract negotiations and instead will rely on a mediator to broker a deal. At issue is a request by the ...
Datum: 11-09-2017 01:05 | Bron: The Daily BreezeWel, 't gaat erom -wereldwijde conflicten bezien, en bekijkend waar de oplossing zou kunnen liggen- Dat 'backchannel' moet van een vertrouwde mediator komen. En wie kan je tegenwoordig nog vertrouwen. Op wereldschaal... Da's 't probleem met 'vrede'.
Datum: 09-09-2017 13:49 | Bron: Weblog Zwolle (persbericht) (Blog)Eén op de drie getrouwde stellen scheiden in Nederland. Deze week vindt de Dag van de Scheiding plaats, speciaal in het leven geroepen om het proces van het groeiende aantal echtscheidingen te verbeteren. Familierechtadvocaat en mediator Sarah ...
Datum: 09-09-2017 10:26 | Bron: Nieuws.nlSELINSGROVE — The Central Susquehanna Valley Mediation Center announces that volunteer, Jim O'Connell, recently became a nationally certified transformative mediator. O'Connell has been an active volunteer mediator since 2013 and has given ...
Datum: 09-09-2017 08:06 | Bron: Sunbury Daily ItemSteeds meer huwelijken in Nederland eindigen in een echtscheiding. Vaak ondersteunt een mediator echtparen bij dit ingrijpende proces.
Datum: 09-09-2017 02:37 | Bron: EO VisieVia mediation kan het anders en beter. De afgelopen twee jaar hebben ruim honderd mediators bemiddeld bij bedreigingen en vernielingen in burenruzies, bij huiselijk geweld, zedenzaken, verkeersongevallen, fraude en financieel misbruik, agressie tegen ...
Datum: 09-09-2017 02:00 | Bron: NRCThe court gave the sides until Tuesday to pick a mediator and ordered them to report back by the end of September. That is also when a temporary funding agreement reached earlier expires. The House and Senate have contingency accounts but have ...
Datum: 09-09-2017 00:07 | Bron: Minnesota Public Radio Newswerken diverse specialisten samen, elk vanuit een eigen invalshoek: advocaten, mediators, kindercoaches, sociaal werkers uit de wijkteams en andere hulpverleners. ''Samen bieden zij passende begeleiding'', aldus de gemeente. ''En ze helpen bij het ...
Datum: 08-09-2017 20:17 | Bron: Hengelos Weekblad (persbericht) (Blog)Sascha werkt daarnaast nauw samen met mediator Kees van Ginkel van Mediation Rivierenland. Hij stuurt regelmatig kinderen waarvan de ouders gaan scheiden. ,,Dat is een mooie samenwerking, want scheidingen brengen altijd enorme veranderingen ...
Datum: 08-09-2017 17:14 | Bron: StadTiel.nlLuister hier naar de geheime opname waarin een gesprek te horen is tussen een mediator, een politiechef en een politiejurist. In het gesprek wordt gepraat over een goedkope manier om van de agent af te komen, via de medische weg. De politiechef stelt ...
Datum: 08-09-2017 14:44 | Bron: Eén VandaagBij de politie is de cultuur op een aantal plekken verziekt. Er is weinig begrip voor mensen die psychisch ziek zijn. De noodzaak tot ingrijpen is groot, zeggen ...
Datum: 08-09-2017 09:00 | Bron: ORnet.nlPresident Donald Trump on Thursday said he is prepared to personally intervene to resolve the months-long dispute between Qatar and several other Gulf neighbors if the countries do not reestablish diplomatic relations soon. “I would be willing to be ...
Datum: 07-09-2017 23:27 | Bron: Gant DailyThe United States has given mixed signals on its policy to the Gulf crisis while Kuwait has emerged as a key mediator. Trump immediately expressed staunch support for Saudi Arabia after the Arab states announced sanctions against Qatar, but some other ...
Datum: 07-09-2017 22:08 | Bron: i24NEWS